Dr. Chapell presently serves as President Emeritus and an Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary where he served as President from 1994-2012. His teaching career began at Covenant Seminary in 1984 after ten years in pastoral ministry. Prior to becoming President at Covenant, he served for six years as Vice President of Academics and Dean of Faculty. After a long and distinguished career in academics, Dr. Chapell announced in January 2013 that he accepted a call to return to pastoral ministry and serve as Senior Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Peoria, Illinois.
Dr. Chapell’s responsibilities include teaching the introductory homiletics courses to master’s-level students and also contributing to the biblical preaching and teaching track in the Doctor of Ministry program. He helps set the tone not only for how preaching is taught, but also for how Knox envisions Christian worship, holiness by grace, and the daily practice of the Christian life.
Dr. Chapell and his wife, Kathy, have four children.